JDA Renewables
Offshore wind power

How should Sweden secure energy infrastructure at sea?

The latest development around Nord Stream raises a number of questions about energy infrastructure.

Critical energy infrastructure issues have actually been around for quite some time, especially since the economic zone offshore wind boom, but probably should have received attention a decade before that.

There are a number of important issues that Swedish decision-makers have not given sufficient attention to, which in a changed environment can make the situation more uncertain for project developers. 

For example: Who should be allowed to invest in Swedish critical infrastructure for the Swedish energy system? Should it be allowed to freely own energy production and distribution facilities of such a size that is decisive for Sweden’s energy supply security (within Swedish territory or economic zone)? How should Sweden act if an offshore energy production or distribution facility that has foreign ownership is under threat at the same time as the facility is crucial for Swedish energy supply? What are the roles, responsibilities and authority of the Coast Guard and the Swedish Armed Forces? 

The questions should reasonably be important in the ongoing assignment Assignment on new areas for energy extraction in the marine plans, M2022/00276. If the issues do not already have a particular focus in the mentioned assignment, they should perhaps be given an additional assignment. This is to create clarity on the issue for energy companies, project developers and investors in offshore wind power so that potential owners do not constitute a potential obstacle to the entanglement of an otherwise well-planned project.

If you want to know more about issues related to offshore infrastructure or have questions about, for example, offshore wind power or want advice, contact us.

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